Monday, July 24, 2006

Kentucky Music Weekend

Well, it’s been a pretty good summer for the girl and I. We’ve been playing a lot of gigs as a duo, and in-between doing engaging stuff like planning the wedding and house shopping(!!!) But before we retreat to the north to finalize the big gig, I wanted to invite you out to our last (and second-largest) show of the summer.

Kentucky Music Weekend
07/28-29/2006 07:00 PM
Iroquois Amphitheater,
Louisville, KY
With John Gauge, Zoe Speaks, The Juggernaut Jug Band, the Reel World String Band, Kentucky Standard band, Lou and Peter Berryman and JEAN RITCHIE.

Did I mention Jean Ritchie? Not to brag, but how cool is that? Anyway, it’s all thanks to Nancy Barker and the Kentucky Colonels, who have put on this event for 31 years, and it’s all Free!

Anyway, that’s all the news for now. Hope life is good for you in your part of the world.

C-ya out there.

1 comment:

Joe Madl said...

Sure wish I could make it to this event! Sound like a blast! I only just found your blog and am a huge Dulcimer fan! I noticed you mentioned a CD earlier on. Is it available yet??